What do we do:

We ensure nutritional security and fight child malnutrition in hard to reach areas in the North West Region.

For FOMCAM Community & Mental Health Organization, guaranteeing nutritional security means reducing the rate of malnutrition in a sustainable way, maintaining an integrated approach that focuses on children below 5 years of age, individuals, communities and reference institutions.

We support the communities we work with, guaranteeing maternal and child health services, integrating mental health, peace building, water and sanitation components and strengthening local capacities for physical, mental health, and economic access to food in adequate quantity and quality. In particular, our action is centered on the prevention and treatment of acute malnutrition in children under the age of 5 and pregnant and breastfeeding women.

During the 24 months from conception to birth, FOMCAM adopts the so-called “1000 days” approach, supporting adequate nutrition and medical supplements for pregnant and lactating women and promoting Inclusive breastfeeding for at least 6 months after the birth of the child.We generally advocate for 24 months inclusive breastfeeding.

In order to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of this action, our interventions are based on a community and participatory approach which sees the involvement and strengthening of the local leaders, traditional leaders, school teachers, nurses, doctors, breastfeeding mothers, main health institutions and structures (at national and local level) and of the communities with which let’s cooperate.

FOMCAM’s actions are based on a detailed needs assessment and analysis which aims to fight against the structural causes of malnutrition and mental health wellness.

Furthermore, with our research department, we promote action research and support intervention strategies with specific studies that can influence local decision-making policies and community behaviour.

Our holistic approach to Infant Nutrition includes:

  • Nutritional Security Policy
  • Mental Health Wellness and Prevention
  • Adaptation of local meals that are rich in nutrients intake and available

Things we sibb

  • Treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition
  • Treatment of Severe NJ Acute
  • Community approach on exclusive breastfeeding and mother nutrition.
  • Community approach on exclusive breastfeeding and mother nutritionmarkers.
  • We provide nutritional education and messaging, which includes providing information on proper nutrition and dietary diversity, promoting locally available, affordable and acceptable nutritious foods, food safety and proper hygiene.
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