Tel: +237 677 819 025
Nche Sam TAKOH is an innovative, experienced, and achievement oriented Clinical Psychologist and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Counselor working with both International, and Community based organizations in Cameroon. He has an extensive field experience responding to humanitarian crises in the hard to reach areas in the North West Region of Cameroon.
He is motivational speaker (nationally and internationally) and an advocate with a soft heart for the mental health and spiritual wellness of the vulnerable persons.
He is an experienced case manager, social worker, GBV Case manager, and experienced protection officer for the children.
He is a change-maker, educator, event speaker, community mobilizer who regularly seeks after the wellness of all who are in need of health, economic resources, mental health care and prevention, and peace with self and community.
He founded FOMCAM Community & Mental Health Organization as a means to identify, research to solve the unmet needs of those with mental health illnesses, and helping them with a source of livelihood, maternal health which are the root causes of their mental health challenges and or problems.
He is a PhD Fellow in Clinical Counseling and holds an MSc. Degree in Clinical Counseling from the University of Bamenda; a BA in Christian theology from in Cameroon Baptist Seminary Kumba. He holds a Graduate Certificate in Social Works from CECPES, and an International Certificate in Peace Building and Conflict Transformation from the PCC National Peace Academy/Office.
Serving humanity in hard to reach areas as a means to give dignity to the vulnerable and the underprivileged is my passion.
Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ that brings salvation to mankind is my nitch and passion for the lost world.
Living Hope Baptist Church Atua-azire is my congratulation and place of service.
The latest product and project of his is “Running a Counseling Clinic in Mulang, Mankon, Bamenda, NWR.
Contact me for details: Email:
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Nche Sam TAKOH